Home page \ Products \ Bonding Materials - Chemicals - Network Protection \ STOPCOR Cathodic Protection \ STOPCOR CLASSIC A1



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The standalone STOPCOR magnesium anode device provides cathodic protection to any metal surface prone to corrosion due to electrolysis.

The philosophy of STOPCOR was based on the possibility of applying a sacrificial anode but with the imposed voltage method.

In the cathodic protection method with STOPCOR, we impose a current from the sacrificial anode, negatively charging the installation we want to protect. In this way, before the installation of the anode of a galvanic cell (negative oxidizing pole), it becomes the cathode of an electrolytic cell (negative reducing pole). This means that the installation is still negatively charged as before the application of the protection. Still, the action is reversed and it is predisposed to undergo reduction rather than oxidation.

STOPCOR replaces all previous protection methods and has the following advantages.

  1. It is easily installed, externally, without coming into contact with the water. Consequently, it does not pollute it, it does not create residues that clog the facilities and damage the circulators and network components. There are no changes to the fluids circulating in the facilities. Protects piping where drinking water circulates.
  2. It does not require special technical knowledge to be installed, it is not necessary to unseal boilers, boilers, tanks, or other networks with the known problems of seals.
  3. It has excellent results because the voltage imposed is continuous and stable. After all, it is obtained naturally from magnesium.
  4. It has a greater range because it protects by applying voltage to the installation.
  5. It can be checked for proper operation with a simple multimeter.
  6. It is economical.
  7. It is recyclable and completely safe for the environment.

STOPCOR is not affected by weather conditions nor does it in any way affect anything near it.
Each device has a lifespan of approximately 3 years depending on each case. After this time, replacement is required.





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